To promote national integration and the integrated development of the human personalities through its policies and programmes.

- To work for an integrated development of Dravidian languages, both written and spoken, including the Tribal languages of the Dravidian family.
- To impart instruction and training at very high levels in Dravidian languages, literature and culture related art and crafts and allied subjects with an indigenous thrust.
- To advance and disseminate learning and knowledge by diverse of means, including the use of new and advanced communication technologies.
- To cooperate with, and seek the cooperation of other Universities and institutions of higher learning, professional bodies and organizations for such purposes as the university considers necessary.
- To take up extension activities with special emphasis on rural development so as to make the benefits of the work done by the University reach educational institutions throughout the country.
- To impart training to those residing within and beyond India who desire to study Dravidian languages, literature, culture and modern sciences, medicine, engineering, technology and allied subjects.
- To translate books of other languages into Dravidian languages according to the needs in consonance with the objectives of the University and also to translate books from the Dravidian languages into other languages.
- To develop Dravidian languages as vehicles of modern knowledge and media of instruction.