- About Department
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- Others
About Department
Language is a tool of modern technology in fact no technical knowledge can be important without language in other wards language is the basic tool for every knowledge spear. The machine of the language Teaching Department is to enhance Telugu to be used in all the technical spear. In order to achieve this department wishes organization various seminar and workshop where in the usage of language in those special areas can be discussed and can reach a conclusion and to procure handy material for the said areas. In this regard the department of Language Teaching Technology vises to concentrate on areas like Machine Translations, Teaching tradition modern, tradition grammar along with translations.
Aims & Objectives :
- To promote techniques of language teaching
- To promote communicative skills
- To promote use of latest technology in teaching language
- To promote language as a tool competence in the global village
- To promote the skills of Translation and Journalism through language teaching
- To offer certificate, P.G. courses and Research programs
M.A. Telugu, Ph.D., M.A., Sanskrit.
Assistant Professor, Head I/c
Literary Criticism, Journalism.
Research Projects