Dravidian University


About Department

The Department of History, Archaeology & Culture was established in September 2003 with the assistance of the Government of Andhra Pradesh with a staff comprising one Professor, two Associate Professors and four Assistant Professors. It is offering 2-yr (four semesters) MA Post Graduation Programme in History with five papers in each semester from the commencement along with M.Phil., and Ph.D courses. However, with the intension to produce more number of graduates in History in order to strengthen the research in history, the Department started 5-yr MA Integrated course from 2006. Since, then it has been offering all the above mentioned programs.

Prof. Aravind Kumar

 M.A., (Gold Medal), Ph.D., PGDM (Gold Medal), PGDASM

  Professor & Head

  Ancient History of India, History of Arts



Vision & Mission


Aims at inculcating scientific spirit with regard to the studies of history and culture with an emphasis on local and micro – histories. It promotes research in reconstruction an identification of missing links in history, specifically in South Indian history.


In addition to conducting quality research, the Department strives to establish its own Archaeological Excavation wing to collect and exhibit artifacts. It also aims to unearth the neglected and forgotten history.


Programmes Offered


Board Of Studies

Prof. Aravind Kumar

Chairmen, Board Of Studies

From the academic year (2013-2014) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is introduced in all departments of the University. According to this system the M.A History Programme requires a student to earn 100 credits in four semesters. The Board of Studies in History is approved course structure and CBCS syllabus of M.A Hisotry Programme for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester on 20th November 2019.

List Of Board Of Studies

Research Aspects

Seminars & Workshops

Number of Papers Presented in Seminars/ Conferences

Seminars/Conferences Organized

Ph.D Awardees / Pursuing

