Dravidian University


About the Department

The Department, founded in 2005, one of the richest ones in the university, in terms of associated projects with UGC –SAP, Endangered Language Projects, and other Government organs, such as Ministry of IT, Ministry of Education, aims at making forked concentration on Dravidian languages and Computational side of Linguistics.       

On the Dravidian side of Studies, Koya, Kolami and Irukula languages were studied for various shades of research. To its Computational Side of Studies it  concentrated on inflectional, derivational and lexical sides of sentences. 

The Department, in its twenty years of existence, conducted National Seminars and Workshops, funded by various central government institutions, for its innovative research themes.

Dr.Ganesan Ambedkar

 M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D

  Professor & Head

  Morphology, Lexicography.



Vision & Mission


The Department of Dravidian and Computational Linguistics aspires to excel in the areas of Dravidian Linguistic Studies, apply computational techniques to natural languages and strive to contribute to the knowledge of language studies. It also desires to become Centre of Excellence.


To provide innovative and quality education in Advanced Linguistics and to collaborate with national and international institutions, it aims to undertake research in Dravidian languages and describe Dravidian speech forms and document endangered Dravidian languages, besides resource building.


Programmes Offered


Board Of Studies

Dr.Ganesan Ambedkar

Chairmen, Board Of Studies

From the academic year (2013-2014) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is introduced in all departments of the University. According to this system the M.A. Linguistics Programme requires a student to earn 100 credits in four semesters. The Board of Studies in  Linguistics is approved course structure and CBCS syllabus of M.A. Linguistics Programme for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester on 20th November 2019.

List Of Board Of Studies

Research Aspects

Seminars & Workshops

Number of Papers Presented in Seminars/ Conferences

Seminars/Conferences Organized

Ph.D Awardees / Pursuing

