- About Department
- Mission & Visson
- Faculty
- Programmes
- Board Of Studies
About Department
Established in the year 2013-14, as self-finance Programme. The proposed programme shall be governed by the Dept of Biotechnology, School of Herbal Science & Naturo Science, Dravidian University, Kuppam-517426.
      The primary objective of the Programme is to impart quality education in the subject of Zoology. Within this broad stream, students are taught varied subjects like Invertebrata, Chordata, Cell biology, Environmental biology, Animal Physiology, Genetics, and Animal Biotechnology. Applied Zoology knowledge paves way for self employment through opportunities in Sericulture, Aquaculture, Api-culture, and Vermi-culture.
Mission & Vision
    M.Sc. Zoology Programme promotes the discovery and broad knowledge about the biology of animals, evolution and their environments.
      M.Sc. Zoology Programme promotes discovery and learning at all levels of biological organization. Recognizing the essential roles of science and biology in the lives of citizens today and tomorrow, we emphasize biological literacy in our teaching and outreach programs.
Programmes Offered
Board Of Studies
From the academic year (2013-2014) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is introduced in all departments of the University. According to this system the M.Sc. Biotechnology Programme requires a student to earn 100 credits in four semesters. The Board of Studies in Biotechnology is approved course structure and CBCS syllabus of M. Sc Biotechnology for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester on 20th November 2019.