- About Department
- Mission & Vision
- Faculty
- Programmes
- Board Of Studies
- Research
- Seminar & Conference
- Scholors
- Others
About Department
The Department of Library and Information Science was established in the year 2010. Department ever since its inception continues to play its role of leadership in Library and Information Science education. In order to keep pace with the changing and complex needs of libraries and documentation centres in the country, the Department took concrete steps in 2012 to introduce new areas of study in information science and management such as ‘Information Technology Applications in Libraries’, ‘Digital Libraries’ and ‘Information Storage and Retrieval’ in its curriculum. Department revised its syllabi in 2013 & 2019 as per Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) & again new papers were introduced in MLISc
M.Sc, M.L.I.Sc, Ph.D
Professor & Librarian
Academic Libraries
Mission & Vision
To be a world class library which provides all types of information to meet the needs of students, researchers and faculty members and also to play an active role in teaching and research.
To support teaching, research and other instructional programs of all the Departments by providing information services.
- To provide an effective base to fulfil the vision and mission of the Dravidian university.
- To provide a strong educational background this caters to the current and future needs of the library profession.
- To provide a comfortable teaching and learning environment.
- To provide information scientists to the society who cater to the diverse needs of the users.
- To encourage continuity in teaching and research activities.
- To provide a platform to the students by encouraging their participation in seminars, presentations, debates, group discussions etc.
- To provide efficient and ethical librarians.
M.Sc, M.L.I.Sc, Ph.D
Professor & Librarian
Academic Libraries
M.A., M.L.I.Sc.,Ph.D
Assistant Professor & Head I/c
Academic Libraries
updates soon
Board Of Studies
From the academic year (2013-2014) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is introduced in all departments of the University. According to this system the M.L.I.Sc Programme requires a student to earn 100 credits in four semesters. The Board of Studies in M.L.I.Sc is approved course structure and CBCS syllabus of M.L.I.Sc for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester on 20th November 2019.
List Of Board Of Studies
Research Aspects
Seminars & Workshops
No of Papers Presented in Seminars/ Conferences
Seminars/Conferences Organized
Ph.D Awardees / Pursuing
Pursuing Ph.D.
Future Plans:
- Instead of self financing mode, establishment of full pledged department
- Intend to design and establish a lab equipped with latest cameras, editing suits, and studio, audio and video tools and to train students to create, organise and disseminate different knowledge packages.
- Department would like to sign MOU with leading Indian Universities, IIT’s, IISc to exchange ideas, student & scholars visits in Library Science besides conduct regular seminars, symposia and conferences on collaborative basis.
- Departmental journal
- Development of Dravidian floral information System
- Alumni Association: online