Best Practices
The Title: Mother Tongue to Other Tongue and the Dissemination of Dravidian Genius

Objectives of the Practice
Dravidian University Act 1997 envisages on the development of Dravidian languages including Tribal languages, literature, culture and dissemination of knowledge. In tune with this set guideline Dravidian University has established Anusrijana (Translation Bureau) and Prasaaranga (Publication Wing) to undertake translations and publications to all the major languages including English to introduce the genius of Dravidian Culture to the rest of the world. Anusrijana is to translate the canonical texts from Dravidian languages and to publish them through Prasaranga. Prasaaranga publishes quality research works by various eminent writers and runs Journals.
The Context
The University intends to incorporate the Dravidian component in all the courses of Humanities and Social Sciences. Non-availability of classical texts and Print material related to Oral traditions and unwritten Dravidian Languages is a serious limitation. Hence, the University felt that there is a need to get the texts printed and translated. The historic mission started in 2007 resulted in the publication of 28 books, which include the unpublished manuscripts. In addition to publication of books on encyclopaedias, monographs, glossaries, descriptive studies, folk literature, culture, history, philosophy, religion, anthropology, sociology and political science published books related to popular science, and daily household activities are also published.
The Practice
To unveil unity in Dravidian culture, Anusrijana had taken up translations among Dravidian languages extensively. The University strongly believes that national integrity will be achieved only through emotional integrity and cultural unity. Translation of works among Dravidian languages such as Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam and Tulu will be taken up along with English. One standard book in one language will be translated into other language and vice versa, there by facilitating knowledge transfer from one language to another language. The University through interaction with scholars working in Dravidian languages identifies the scholarly manuscripts and gets them edited, prepares press copies and publishes. If manuscripts are relevant and useful for other Dravidian languages also, the university gets them translated into those languages. Anusrijana identifies the canonical works in other languages to transform that genius to the rest of the world and searches for competent bilingual scholars and translators who could undertake the translation. It endeavours to find out the quality research works done in other Universities/institutions on various Dravidian languages/literature/oral-literature and contacts the researchers to get the permission from him/her and from the University concerned. As the motto of the Dravidian University is to bring out only quality research work, the manuscript collected by the above process are sent to two experts in the field. If the manuscript is recommended by them, immediately the editorial wing undertakes preparation of press copies and sends them for printing. In this entire process the teachers are involved actively. The best manuscripts of the Dravidian University teachers are also considered for publications
Evidence of Success
As the books published by Prasaaraanga reflect quality content, it has won appreciation from the academic community throughout the country. Reputed scholars like V.I. Subramonyam, V.A.K. Ranga Rao, Bh. Krishna Murti, C. Narayana Reddy, P.S. Subrahmanyam and Iravatam Mahadevan paid rich comments on publications on different occasions. The eminent scholars like Prof. Bh.Krishna Murti and Prof. P.S. Subrahmanyam got their works published through Prasaaraanga. The world renowned American scholar Prof. Andres Sjoberg has sent her manuscript “Dravidian Language and Culture” for publication to
prasaaraanga. All these are testimony for the quality content of the publications.
To familiarize Tribal-lore and culture to the rest of the world, under Tribal Series Prasaaraanga published monographs on Myasabedas (Karnataka); Bairas (Karnataka;, Medas (Karnataka); Kattunaicken (Kerala Tribes Series); Adiyan (Kerala); Irula (Kerala Tribes Series); Kanikkar (Kerala Tribes Series); Aranadan (Kerala Tribes Series); and Kunubis: Marati Nayaka (Karnataka Tribes). The books like: Koraga Grammar, A Comparative Grammar of the Gondi Dialects, Descriptive Grammar of the Kui Language are the other notable titles and Pre and Proto-Historic Andhra Pradesh upto 500 B.C. was published in collaboration with A.P. History Congress.
So far Prasaaraanga has published 281 books in six languages, which include 70 translations works (English – 23, Telugu – 12, Kannada – 18, Tulu – 1, Tamil – 11 and Malayalam – 5). Dravidian University proudly declares that it is the only University which has published 12 books in Tulu language and it is the only University which was an exclusive department; Department of Tulu and Translation Studies. Dravidian University also brings out books in six languages, viz. Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Tulu and English.
So far Prasaaraanga has published 281 books in six languages, which include 70 translations works (English – 23, Telugu – 12, Kannada – 18, Tulu – 1, Tamil – 11 and Malayalam – 5). Dravidian University proudly declares that it is the only University which has published 12 books in Tulu language and it is the only University which was an exclusive department; Department of Tulu and Translation Studies. Dravidian University also brings out books in six languages, viz. Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Tulu and English.
Prasaaraanga also initiates various projects. Among these projects, Vajrakosam (TeluguTelugu Dictionary) and Telugu Karadeepika which contains Telugu literature, criticism and prosody are very useful to the students who are preparing for competitive exams. Prasaaraanga was successful in bringing out good number of books on Ayurvedam, Homoeopathy medicines under the project “Griha Saraswathi”. In addition to this, Prasaaranga brings out four bi-annual Journals, Dravida Bharati (Telugu), Dravida Kasturi (Kannada), Dravida Malar (Tamil) and Dravida Dhvani (Malayalam). The Journals are edited by eminent writers in all the four languages.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
There is a dearth of good translators in all major Dravidian languages. This is a limitation for further progress of the translation activity of the University. The absence of scholars with required expertise in the field of translation is also causing problems in scrutinising the manuscripts. However, the University has made considerable efforts to overcome this hurdle by conducting various seminars and workshops exclusively on translation which helped in identifying a number of translators were identified
The global perspectives and research in Dravidian Studies, the contemporary perceptions of higher education and the regional demand of a backward rural area have fused into one mission that led to the formation of Dravidian University, which is different from or Universities in its priorities, obligations and responsibilities. The spirit of integration is the guiding force behind the establishment of the University. The linguistic and cultural integration at national and international levels is the cherished objective of the University
Selling and distribution of books is another issue that the Dravidian University has been encountering. As majority of the books published by Prasaaraanga are scholarly, the sales are very minimal. Though the University has limited financial resources, it is carrying forward its historic mission of disseminating Dravidian genius to the rest of the world.