Dravidian University


About Department

The Department of English and Communications was established in December 2005 with one Professor and one Associate Professor and three Assistant Professors the Department launched the courses in U.G, Five year Integrated and Two Year P.G. The Board of Studies broad-based enough to include scholars and experts in different areas prepared the curriculum for all courses.  The Courses are so designed to equip the students with effective communication, literary, analytical and evaluative skills. The course material is designed by incorporating the contemporary approaches to language and literature. At present there two Professors and three Assistant Professors in the Department


Prof.Ch.A Rajendra Prasad

 M.A., Ph.D., P.G Diploma in Linguistics

  Professor & Head

  Literatures in English and ELT



Vision & Mission


The department envisions to break new grounds by designing innovative curricula, techniques in teaching and research. Further, it provides appropriate pedagogies and environments that are conducive to the success of students.


To import the knowledge of literatures and language of English making it relevant to the Dravidian and Indian contents by using it as a link language for cultural exchanges, thereby contributing to the unity in diversity that defines India.



Programmes Offered


Board Of Studies

Prof. Ch. A. Rajendra Prasad

Chairmen, Board Of Studies

From the academic year (2013-2014) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is introduced in all departments of the University. According to this system the M.A. English Programme requires a student to earn 100 credits in four semesters. The Board of Studies in English is approved course structure and CBCS syllabus of M.A. English Programme for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester on 20th November 2019.

List Of Board Of Studies

Research Aspects

Seminars and Workshops

Number of Papers Presented in Seminar/ Conference

Seminars/Conferences Organized

Ph.D Awardees / Pursuing

Others Info

The Department of English and Communications, having come into existence in the year 2005, has been functional ever since its inception in an effective manner:

In the first place, by way of carrying out teaching at PG/ Integrated English and conducting research at Ph.D. and M.Phil levels, and also by way of offering service courses in General English to the UG students of various departments on the campus. Along with the onus of fulfilling the fundamental job, the department has been keeping itself busy in playing its additional role in contributing to the various academic, cultural and administrative activities of the university.

Secondly, the Department of English and Communications has been in the forefront in serving the cause of Dravidian University—promoting Dravidian Languages, Literatures and Cultures– in the manner of teaching Dravidian Literatures in English translation as part of curricula and offering/ publishing critical and scholarly output on Dravidian Literatures in English translations, and more importantly conducting the translation of Telugu Literature into English, and among them the prominent one to be cited here is translation of Classics of Telugu Literature into English through a UGC sponsored departmental project. In the same breath, it is to be put on record that the Department faculty served as Editor to the flagship journal of the university, Dravidian Studies, at different periods of time.

Thirdly, the faculty of the Department of English and Communications have been fertile and productive in a sustained manner which resulted in conducting qualitative research and publication of articles in reputed journals and books by reputed publishers. The sustained academic effort and zeal can be evidenced among many other ways including a faculty member acquiring D.Litt.

Fourthly, though with a modest sense of pride it can be stated that the faculty have been invited as resource persons by various universities within the state and outside the state. Also a faculty of the department has had international teaching experience by way of teaching in 4 universities outside India for about 9 years. The same member of the faculty has had the recognition of being been invited thrice as an external examiner for conducting Ph.D. viva voce.

Fifthly, the Department of English and Communications, with its established English Language/ Communication Skills Lab has engaged itself in training its students in sharpening their communication skills in English. Initially, while doing so the department has attempted to impart courses in communication skills to the students of other Language Departments located in Bhasha Bhavan of the university

Sixthly, the Department engaging itself in Extension Activity by way of bridging gap between the university and the society around itself and far, and thereby serving the cause of students outside the university, within and outside the state and across the nation it has conducted twice Outreach Programmes through online. In the same breath can be stated that the Department is one of the few departments that has had international students on its roll with ICCR sponsorship.

